Outdoor Education

Spring & Fall Outdoor Ed Rental Agreement

Winter Outdoor Ed Rental Agreement

Spring & Fall Outdoor Ed Information Package

Winter Outdoor Ed Information Package

Our fun, creative and hands-on outdoor education programs serve around 1000 students per year. Our activities can be tied into your curriculum and will provide your students opportunities for interactive, engaging and experiential learning in “the classroom of the forest and the laboratory of the lake” (Howard G. Hendricks). Students will also have opportunities to develop stronger relationships with their peers and teachers and improve their intellectual, moral and physical development.

Our rates, staffing and services reflect a customized approach, allowing you to choose the degree of instructional and organizational involvement you want. We will work together with you to design a program that will suit your students’ needs.

Check out the activities we offer as well as the sample schedules by clicking on the links below.

If you would like more information or if you would like to explore bringing your students to Hidden Acres please contact Josh Penfold, our Program Director.

  • Click the image to the left or the title above to see all the activities we offer Students.

  • Activity Choices - students will be divided into groups of 8-12 and will move through the chosen activities on a rotating schedule. Activities can be run by Hidden Acres staff or a combination of Hidden Acres staff and your teachers.

    Free Timesports facilities and equipment are available for free time. Visiting teachers are responsible for supervision. Swimming and other Hidden Acres staff-run activities can be made available.

    Wide Games/Campfire/Talent Showthese activities can be organized either by visiting teachers or Hidden Acres staff.

    Click the image left to see samples.