family day open house

Join us for our FREE Family Day Open House

February 17, 2025


This morning our Program Director attempted to drive to camp using the typical route that many would take and the drifting snow was significant. Due to today's forecast of ongoing high winds, drifting snow and likelihood of continued poor road conditions we have made the difficult decision to err on the side of caution and cancel our Family Day Open House today.

It is a cold but beautiful day, we encourage you to enjoy the day a bit closer to home.

Happy Family Day!

Here are a few other opportunities to come to camp before the summer

March 13 - Grandparent & Grandchild Day

April 14 - Spring Seniors Retreat

June 10 - Annual Chicken BBQ & Pie Auction

Whether you enjoy exploring the grounds on an exciting treasure hunt, flying down the sledding hill on your crazy carpet, or snuggling up by the fire with a game of go fish, this is a fantastic day to celebrate family at camp. It's also a great opportunity to check out Hidden Acres and all that we offer, and if you have been here before, bring your friends and show them around!

Bring Along:

- a bag lunch (nut free) or purchase a hot lunch for $6/person

- please bring your own outdoor equipment (sledding & skating gear) and indoor shoes

Activities Include:

Pretzel Making (AM only), Campfire and Bannock (PM only), Skating, Broomball, Snow Shoeing, Sledding, Winter Ga-ga Ball, Treasure Hunt, 9 Square in the Air, Crafts, Ping-Pong, Foosball, Games, Puzzles & More!

Some activities are weather dependent.

Please R.S.V.P by contacting the camp at or calling 519-625-8602!


Donations towards helping children attend summer camp are welcome.