This year's Bowlathon will be held on April 5, 2025. If you'd like to help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 to complete the following projects, click on the "Donate" tab at the top:
- upgrade the electrical service for some of our campsites
- replace the UV light in our water treatment system
- repair the green roof on the Stonehouse Retreat Centre
- replace the septic tank for the Brown Staff house
The History of the Bowlathon
The Hidden Acres Bowlathon was born out of necessity during the expansion project in 1983. Harold Leis brought the idea to the fundraising committee as a way to raise funds for capital projects. The first event was held in 1984, raising $7500. Harold had faith that the event would raise $25,000 some year and it has met and surpassed that dream with over $972,000 being raised since then. The event, held in the spring, continues to bring out an energetic crowd of dedicated Hidden Acres supporters bolstered by the pledges they have received.